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Do EPL Injuries Matter?

Ariel Aguilar Gonzalez

This project uses historical Engligh Premier League (EPL) season-total results, performance statistics, and injuries to estimate the impact of injuries on teams over the course of a season. Using correlation plots, OLS regression and a simple cluster analysis, it appears that injuries don’t have a significant impact on a team’s season points total. In theory, reducing injuries can help a team gain more points, but because most teams suffer a host of injuries, their overall impact looks to be muted.

Data on historical EPL tables was pulled from Wikipedia, performance statisitcs from and the Premier League official website, and injury data from Physio Room.

Code written in R.

# Author:       Ariel Aguilar Gonzalez
# Date:         Saturday, July 16 2016
# Tile:         Are Injuries Really An Excuse?
# Description:  Using Historical EPL Data to Examine the Effect of Injuries
#  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#         Load Data and Libraries           #


# Import Dataset with Injury, EPL Performance Data
# Sources: Premier League, Football Data, Physio Room, Wikipedia
Regression_Data <- read.csv("...Regression_Data.csv")

# Attach the variable names to be able to call variables

#          Basic Data Exploration           #

# Basic Summary Stats
# 1001 days!
# 26 injuries!

# Look at different correlations to help determine independent variables in regression
cor(Pts, Tackles)
cor(Pts, Interceptions)
# Tackles have a stronger correlation with Points
cor(Pts, Red.Cards)
cor(Pts, Booking.Points)
# Booking Points have a stronger negative correlation with Points
cor(Pts, Number.of.Injuries)
# Days Lost to Injury have an actual negative correlation with Points

# Create correlation plot for Points and Injuries
cor.vec <- round(cor(Pts,,2)
txt<-paste("Correlation is", cor.vec)
sources <- "Data Sources: Premier League Stats Centre\n Football\n Physio Room"

inj.pts <- ggplot(Regression_Data, aes(,y=Pts))
inj.pts + geom_point()+theme(legend.position="none")+ylab("Points")+
  xlab("Number of Days Lost to Injury") + geom_smooth(linetype="dashed", method="lm")+
  theme(axis.title.y = element_text(angle = 90), plot.title = element_text(face="bold"))+
  ggtitle("Injuries and Points Don't Seem To Be Related?!")+
  annotate("text", x = 1900, y = 17, label = txt, fontface="bold",size=4) +
  annotate("text", x = 1900, y = 10, label = sources, fontface="bold",size=2.5)
dev.copy(jpeg, 'injurycorr.jpeg')

Injury Correlation Plot

# Let's make a histogram plot of injuries

inj <- ggplot(data=Regression_Data, aes(Regression_Data$ + geom_histogram(aes(y=..density..))
inj + geom_density(col=2) +
  labs(title="Histogram for Injuries") + labs(x="Days Lost to Injuries", y="Count")
dev.copy(jpeg, 'injuryhist.jpeg')

Injury Histogram Plot

# Look like they're normally distributed, especially given the small sample
# Not important for OLS Regression but good to know, espcially for student's t test later

#         Regression Modelling              #

## OLS Regression

# Define the model using variable names
y <- Pts
x1 <- Shots
x2 <- Touches
x3 <- Tackles
x4 <- Booking.Points
x5 <-

model.1 <- y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5
model.2 <- y ~ x1 + x2 + x4
model.3 <- y ~ x1 + x2 + x4 + x5 + I(x1^2) + I(x2^2) + I(x4^2) + I(x5^2)
model.4 <- y ~ x1 + x2 + x4 + x5 + I(x4^2) + I(x5^2)
model.5 <- y ~ x1 + x2 + x5 + I(x5^2)
model.6 <- y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x5 + I(x5^2)
model.7 <- y ~ x1 + x2 + x4 + x5 + I(x5^2)
model.8 <- y ~ x1 + x2

# Estimate the model and store the results
reg.model.1 <- lm(formula= model.1, data= Regression_Data)

# Regression results
# Will evaluate the models by adjusted R squared value

# Shots and Touches come up as significant
# Adjusted R squared value of 59.3%

reg.model.2 <- lm(formula= model.2, data= Regression_Data)
# Again Shots and Touches come up as significant, but not booking points
# Adj R squared of 58.8%

reg.model.3 <- lm(formula= model.3, data= Regression_Data)
# Here Shots, Touches and Days Lost to Injury come up as significant
# Adj R squared of 62.2%

reg.model.4 <- lm(formula= model.4, data= Regression_Data)
# Shots, Touches and Injuries significant
# Adj R squared of 59.9%

reg.model.5 <- lm(formula= model.5, data= Regression_Data)
# Everything significant, Adj R squared of 59.7%

reg.model.6 <- lm(formula= model.6, data= Regression_Data)
# Tackles are not significant, Adj R squared of 59.8%

reg.model.7 <- lm(formula= model.7, data= Regression_Data)
# Booking points not significant, adj R squared of 59.7%

# Two final candidate models, model 3 and 4

# Export the model summaries
stargazer(reg.model.3,reg.model.4,type="html",dep.var.labels = "Points",
          covariate.labels=c("Shots","Touches","Booking Points","Days Lost to Injury","Shots (squared)","Touches (squared)",
                             "Booking Points (squared)", "Days Lost to Injury (squared)"), out="final.htm")

#            Evaluate Models                #

# Create train and test splits of the data
n_train <- round((nrow(Regression_Data)*2)/3,0)
train_index <- sample(1:nrow(Regression_Data), n_train)

X_train <- Regression_Data[train_index,]
X_test <- Regression_Data[-train_index,]

# Train models
model.3.train <- lm(Pts ~ Shots + I(Shots^2) + Touches + I(Touches^2) + Booking.Points
                    + I(Booking.Points^2) + + I(^2), 
                    data= X_train)
model.4.train <- lm(formula= Pts ~ Shots + Touches + Booking.Points
                    + I(Booking.Points^2) + + I(^2), 
                    data= X_train)

benchmark.train <- lm(formula= Pts ~ Shots + Touches,data= X_train)

# Create predictions
model.3.preds <- round(predict(model.3.train, X_test))
model.4.preds <- round(predict(model.4.train, X_test))
benchmark.preds <- round(predict(benchmark.train, X_test))

# Measure accuracy (mean absolute error)

model.3.mae <- mean(abs((X_test$Pts - model.3.preds)))
# 9.64
model.4.mae <- mean(abs((X_test$Pts - model.4.preds)))
# 9.81
benchmark.mae <- mean(abs((X_test$Pts - benchmark.preds)))
# 9.76

# Just for fun, make 3D Plot of model 8, linear regression model
reg.model.8 <- lm(formula= model.8, data= Regression_Data)
s3d <- scatterplot3d(x=x1,y=x2,z=y,color="white", main="OLS Model for EPL Performance 2006-2016", xlab="Shots", ylab="Touches", zlab="Points")
s3d$plane3d(reg.model.8, draw_polygon = TRUE, polygon_args=list(border=NA, col="aliceblue"))
s3d$points3d(x=x1,y=x2,z=y,col="red", pch=20)
dev.copy(jpeg, 'regvis.jpeg')

Regression Visualization Plot

#            Analysis by Group              #

# Import data frame of solely UCL, Relegated, and Middle of the Pack
UCL <- read.csv("...UCL.csv")
Relegated <- read.csv("...Relegated.csv")
Middle <- read.csv("...Middle.csv")
# UCL contains 40 observations
# Relegated contains 30 observations
# Middle contains 130 observations
# All are too small to complete regression analysis

# Plot scatterplot, calculate mean, correlation of new data frames

# Average Injuries within the groups
# 1001.3
# 1042.7
# 1038.2
# 980.3

# Correlation of Points to Injuries within the groups
cor(Regression_Data$Pts, Regression_Data$
# -0.0178
cor(UCL$Pts, UCL$
# -0.2105
cor(Relegated$Pts, Relegated$
# 0.0006
cor(Middle$Pts, Middle$
# -0.0066

# Appears that Injuries are more costly to elite teams
# But not enough data to verify with regression analysis
# Would need either more seasons or match data

# Two Sample t tests

t.test(Regression_Data$, UCL$
# Null is that means are equal
# P value is 0.625, fail to reject null

t.test(Regression_Data$, Relegated$
# Same null as previous test
# P value is 0.518, fail to reject null

t.test(Regression_Data$, Middle$
# P value is 0.614, fail to reject null

# It appears that Elite,Bad and Middle teams do not suffer more injuries than the population
# Rather injuries seem to be more costly to Elite teams, though just as numerous

# Scatterplot

Injury_Groups <- ggplot(Regression_Data, aes(, y=Pts)) +
  geom_point(data = Middle, aes(, y=Pts, colour="Middle of the Pack")) +
  geom_point(data=UCL, aes(, y=Pts, colour="UCL Participants")) +
  geom_point(data = Relegated, aes(, y=Pts, colour="Relegated Teams")) +
  theme(axis.title.y = element_text(), plot.title = element_text(face="bold"))+
  ggtitle("EPL Teams Can't Be Grouped by Injuries") + labs(x="Days Lost to Injury", y="Points") +
  theme(legend.title=element_blank()) + annotate("text", x = 1900, y = 10, label = sources, fontface="bold",size=2.5)
dev.copy(jpeg, 'injurygroups.jpeg')

Injury Cluster Plot